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By Michael Crichton
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    Ben The Flooder Slayer - Episode 1x06 - The Prophecy[Repeat]
    By beno_yo

    Previously, on Ben The Flooder Slayer…


    Para: You don’t even know the truth. Come on. You just want to get back on his good side as part of a plan. Well believe me. I smell a rat.
    Flooder31 [choked]: …that’s rigamortis…

    Para punched him and released the choke on him. Flooder31 gagged for air. Para kicked his face. She pulled out the spike from her belt. She shoved it into Flooder31’s heart.


    Ben kicked the door down, again. The flooders didn’t scurry. They knew how it was. A flooder leapt towards the slayer. They were met with a wooden stake. The flooder vanished to dust. He threw the gasoline all over the floor, some of it hit a flooder. He lit the pack of matches then threw the matches down, and the warehouse started to burst into flames. The flooder burst into flames, then dust. The other two flooders escaped behind the Slayer.

    The slayer walked out to the street corner where the flooders were.

    Flooder: That was a big mistake.
    Ben: Really?
    Flooder: Yeah…burning our hangout down.
    Ben: What’s that? [Ben pointed to the sky]
    Flooder: What’s what?

    Ben rammed the spike through his chest. Dust. The other flooder was the one who sucked on Para’s arm. Ben starred at the flooder. Ben turned and walked away. The flooder started to run. Ben turned around and threw his spike in the air, towards the flooder. The spike caught the flooder and she turned into dust.


    The spike remained in his chest.

    Flooder31: OW! That really hurt! [A Pause] Wait a minute…

    He pulled the spike out.

    Flooder31: Plastic?
    Para: Yeah. Let that be a warning.

    Flooder31 rolled his eyes. He then focused back and saw that Para’s foot do a round-house kick to his face knocking him down.
    Para walked out of the crypt, slamming the door


    Ben walked down the sidewalk to his house to see Para sitting on the steps with a suitcase.

    Ben: What’s that for?
    Para: I got a phone call on the machine.
    Ben: Oh?
    Para: John Arnold needs me on a mission elsewhere.
    Ben: And you don’t think I need you?
    Para: I know you need me, but I…
    Ben: But what? You just expect me to accept what you’ve thrown at me?
    Para: Not at all. I just [she sighed.]
    Ben: Go ahead…
    Para: What do you need me for?
    Ben: I need you all the way, Para. I’m about to battle the man who could kill me…again. I’m tired of dying.
    Para: I need you to, but I just need to be away for a while. Please baby. Understand why I’m doing this. Why and where I’m going is beneficial to you too.

    Para stood up. The two loves starred at each other. Para leaned in to kiss Ben, but he refused. Tears started from Para’s eyes. She didn’t want to leave. She grabbed the suitcase and walked to the helipad, located on the outskirts of the airport.

    SHANE’S (Vader’s) CRYPT

    Shane: Now, to bring the demon to life. Post Hater, Sacrifice these two.

    SGD Busted down the door. Max was next to him.

    SGD: Hello Shaney-Boy…

    ***NEW EPISODE***

    Shane: What do you two clowns want?
    SGD: We heard your trying to take over this world.
    Shane: Yeah so? [he pauses.] I thought you guys died.

    SGD Looks at Max as Max looks at SGD.

    Max: True evil can never be destroyed.
    Shane: Want to bet?


    Ben the Flooder Slayer looks down at the ground, kicking a rock as he heads to patrol. He knows he’s left the one thing that he ever loved. Becky’s voice filled his head.

    Becky [off]: Get to Vader’s crypt, immediately.

    Without hesitation the slayer ran.


    Max: I’m a betting fool, so I bet you our services.

    SGD looked astonished.

    SGD: Can I be counted separately?
    Shane: No. Motor Mouth decided it, so here we go. A Test…

    Shane waved his hand and thrusted it outward. Max Flew back, but was stopped in mid air. Max’s face was terrified as he turned to dust. A wooden stake fell from the area he was in.

    Ben ran to the crypt to see two figures on the outside. One was an older man, but the other was a teenager, possibly younger.

    Shane: Who did that?
    SGD: For real. [he turned towards the door] Show yourself.

    SGD stepped in the doorway. A leg swung across, kicking him in his chin forcing him backwards. SGD uncontrollably backed into Post Hater. Post Hater was not the kind of person you backed into. Post Hater grabbed SGD and punched him.

    Young Voice: That’s easy. They’re fighting against each other.

    Ben stepped forward. He grabbed the young one by the shoulder. The teen turned around and swung a fist at the slayer. Ben blocked, but his block was followed by the other first. Another block, then a kick. Ben grabbed the foot and pushed the leg upward. The boy flipped in mid air. Both of them pulled wooden stakes out.

    Boy: Who are you?
    Ben: You attacked me! Who the hell are you.

    They starred at each other.

    Man: Rivvir. That’s enough.

    Ben’s eyes grew.

    Ben: Rivvir?

    At that time SGD stepped out of the crypt and used his magic to push the slayer and his son down. The man, obviously was Dan. Dan took off the other way, but was met by a flooder. Becky materialized and staked the flooder.

    Dan: You can do that?
    Becky: You bet I can.
    Dan: But I thought…
    Becky: I can’t touch Shane…but I can fight off his minions.

    The two former loves starred at each other.

    Becky: Go to the magic box…get the gang together. This war is here, and it’s here now.

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer Theme by Nerf Herder

    beno_yo as Ben Summers
    Paragirl as Para
    Icebreaker as Ice
    JurassicChic31 as Anya
    Brad as Brad Giles
    Seth Rex as Himself & Flooder31
    Aussie Embryo as Tara
    Becky as Becka-Lynn Summers



    The music had stopped playing. Brad Giles had gone to the back room to research something Ben and him had talked about. Ice and Tara cleaned up the shop, while Anya counted down the register.

    The bells on the door rang as it opened. It was Dan. He rushed in.

    [Guest Starring Dan]

    Without looking up…
    Ice: Hey, we’re closed.
    Dan: Ice…Anya…and girl…get together fast.

    Ice looked up.

    Ice: Dan? What are you doing here?
    Dan: No time to explain. Anya, grab a bag full of spikes.
    Anya: Check.
    Dan: Ice, get on the phone and call Bob and everyone else that you can. There is a war coming.
    Ice: Gotcha.


    Tara looked at Dan. The two had never met, thus Tara’s spell didn’t work on him.

    [Evil Grinch]

    Dan: And you are?
    Tara: I’m Tara. I’m new.
    Dan: Wonderful. Well, I’m Dan…the former owner. What do you do exactly?
    Tara: I clean, help customers….
    Dan: No, no, no, no…power wise.
    Tara: Oh…I’m a witch…well a sorceress.
    Dan: Really? That’s good.
    Tara: Really?
    Dan: Yeah, get your spell books.

    [Jango as Bob]


    Brad is sitting at his desk mumbling through his books to figure out what was happening.

    Brad: Rage of the slayer………………………redemption…………………………The Master…Ah-Ha! The Master will summon the demon to fulfill his body, and the master will re-arise and the slayer will…oh my god.

    [General Rancor]

    Dan walked to the back office.

    Dan: Brad Giles?

    [Dino Snore]

    Brad was still in his book.
    Brad: Huh? What? Oh yes, that’s me. Can I help you?
    Dan: The Brad Giles…wow. It’s an honor to meet you, sir.
    Brad: Huh?
    Dan: I’m Dan Finkelstein, a watcher. I’m on the lower council. It’s an honor to meet someone of your stature.
    Brad: Oh! Dan. Yes, I’ve heard of you.
    Dan: Yes. You’re up for High Council…as long as nothing happens.

    [John Arnold]

    They smiled, as if it were an inside joke.

    Dan: May I?

    He motioned to a cabinet.

    Brad: Go for it.

    Dan opened the cabinet and pulled out two crossbows. He threw one to Brad, strapped one on his shoulder and pulled another one out. He then grabbed the bags of mini-wooden spikes sized for the crossbows. Brad strapped a bag over his shoulder. He filled it with longer wooden spikes.

    Ice: Wonderful! I need you to get down to the magic box immediately. Just come with all of your old weapons.

    Ice hung the phone up.

    Anya: Who was that honey?
    Ice: That was Evil Grinch. He’s putting the word out and will be here with some other Mods.
    Anya: Like who?
    Ice: Bob…
    Anya: Well that’s good.

    Dan and Brad walked out as if they were ready to go to war…with Flooders.

    Tara: Where’d you guys get the gear?
    Dan: We were Assassins before we were Watchers.
    Tara: Oh. Well, I have three books and know many spells as it is. I feel ready to do damage.
    Dan: Good deal.
    Ice: Two Mods are on the way. Evil Grinch and Bob.
    Dan: Good.
    Anya: I feel worthless.
    Tara: Anya, you could help me. With these spell books, all you have to do is read the spells.
    Anya: Okay. I do know some magic from my Vengeance Days.
    Dan: Good. Anya, lock the shop. All of you are to grab a wooden spike before you leave. Aim for the Flooders heart.
    Brad: I’ve informed The Initiative.
    Dan: What’s that?
    Brad: They’re a group of Military guys who take out flooders. Ben’s girlfriend is on that team. They’re hoping to be on their way here as soon as possible.

    The group headed out of the Magic Box and headed towards the graveyard.



    Flooder31 morphed into Seth Rex and starred out the window. He saw the Ben was being pulled into Vader’s old crypt. Seth walked out of his crypt and into Vader’s.

    Shane: There you are you nitwit. I’ve been waiting for you. I’ll need someone to harness me during the transaction…I’ll be weak.
    Seth Rex: Sure thing.

    Seth Rex walked over to Ben.

    Seth Rex [Whisper]: Listen, I’m going to take care of this…just hold on.

    Shane: Tie them together.

    SGD and Post Hater tied their hands and legs together.

    Shane: Now…time to start this damned incantation.

    Shane grabbed the big golden cross. He pulled on the top of it and a dagger became un-sheathed. He put three slashes on both of his arms. No blood. Using his magic, he summoned Dino-Snore and General Rancor to their feet. Their arms flung open as if magnetized. He cut a slit in to both of their right hand palms. As blood started to flow and drip from their palms, Shane started repeating the incantation…

    Shane: Fatas, menga, vatah, waray. Fatas, menga, vatah, waray. Fatas, menga, vatah, waray. Fatas, menga, vatah, waray. Fatas, menga, vatah, waray. Fatas, menga, vatah, waray.

    A blue glow oozed from the puddle of the blood that had accumulated from the two bullies palms.


    The gate was closed, which was very unusual. The gangs reached the gates, but were stopped by it being closed. Two flooders approached the gates. Simultaneously they both exploded into dust. Evil Grinch walked forward with his sword, and Bob came forward, juggling two wooden stakes.

    Evil Grinch: Let me get that for you.

    He kicked the gate, but when his foot reached the gate, the gate gave off a green glow and knocked Evil Grinch backwards. Bob went to touch the gate, but the green glow came back.

    Dan: Tara…take the door down.
    Tara: Me? Uhh…

    After a moment, she put her hand in the air, and said

    Tara: Clauditay.

    A yellow orb flew from her hand and crashed the gate down.

    Dan: Good.

    The gang head threw the graveyard to the crypt.

    Reaching the crypt, Becky materialized in front of them.

    Becky: Shane is already in the incantation. Ben and Rivvir are tied up, Seth Rex is in there, and he said he’s going to help us. Do not kill him. For any reason [She looked sternly at Ice.]
    Ice: Understood.
    Becky: Now, I have to clear Ben’s mind…don’t go in until I come back.

    Becky clapped her hands and time was still. She materialized to her human form. She walked into the crypt. Ben and Rivvir were the only two things that were un frozen.

    Becky: My two boys…
    Ben: Becky… Rivvir: Mom…
    Ben: Get us out of these ropes.
    Becky: I can’t. Listen to me. Ben, you’ve died once. You have never died any more than that once. Your life was close to ending another time, but you have only been dead once. You were brought back. The world needed you. You are the chosen one. You are the Slayer. One in all the world, to stop the flooders and the spread of their evil. You were my husband. The man that I loved, that thing with Dan, which was something that I had to do, to push you forward. Just like I’m doing now. The hammer will not defeat Shane…you will. You will banish him with my help.

    Ben nodded.

    Becky: Rivvir…my dear sweet boy. You are in training to become an Assassin, the trials before becoming a Watcher. You will train the next slayer, like Dan and Brad. I will always be here for you. As will your Father.

    Rivvir Nodded.

    Becky: After Shane is defeated…something will happen, something I will have no control over. Dan and Brad will know, I have written it down. They will find it and do what’s necessary.
    Ben: What’s going to happen?
    Becky: I can’t say. Baby…I’m sorry.

    Becky left them and walked out to Dan and Brad. She clapped her hands again and time came back to its normal flow.

    Becky: Dan, Brad, check the book on your desk when this is over. Trust me.
    Brad & Dan: Okay

    Dan: Anya and Tara get up in a tree and do spells from there.
    Vader [Off]: No…on top of flooder31’s crypt is safer.

    Vader walked towards the group.

    Ice: I thought you were leaving. I knew I was too much. You missed me right?
    Vader: Sorry…
    Ice: Hey, it’s okay.
    Dan: Anyway…Vader, you and Ice stick together. Attack any Flooders that try to come in. Evil Grinch, Bob, you guys follow us, we’ll go in and get Ben and Rivvir freed and take on SGD and Post Hater. Got it?
    Vader, Ice, Evil Grinch and Bob: Yes.

    The group put their hands together, like a big huddle.

    All together: BREAK!

    Anya and Tara broke off and climbed to the top of Flooder31’s Crypt, to their surprise two flooders were there. Tara summoned lightning and the flooders lit on fire, exploding into dust shortly after.

    Dan loaded his cross bow, and then loaded the other one. Brad loaded his.

    Brad: What’s the other one for?
    Dan: Ben…

    The two Watchers kicked the door to the crypt down. Shane was still chanting. Post Hater and SGD turned their attention to the door. They ran towards the door. The two watchers backed out and Vader and Ice took them on.

    Shane: Seth…brace me!

    Seth grabbed onto Shane. Shane was then engulfed in a huge light blue light. Brad and Dan ran back into the crypt. They untied Ben and Rivvir.

    Ben: Get Rivvir out of here.
    Dan: No. He’s trained well. He’s ready to fight.

    Dan threw the cross bow to Ben.

    Ben pulled it back. It was now loaded and ready to cause some damage.

    The glow faded off of Shane. Shane stood up as if he were all powerful now.

    Shane: BOW TO ME!

    He flung his hand in the air and lighting flew from his fingertips. The crypt started on fire. A lightning bolt was headed towards Seth Rex. With his slayer speed, Ben leapt in mid air and tackled Seth Rex down, avoiding the bolt. Shane then fell to the ground weakened. Ben got back to his feet. He jumped on top of the weakened God. He started to punch Shane wildly. He reached to the back of his belt and grabbed a wooden stake. He rammed it into Shane’s heart. Nothing Happened. He rammed it all over Shane’s chest. A few times he just jammed it in and drug it around while it was inside.

    Becky Materialized in the crypt.

    Becky: Ben…the hammer…now!

    Ben: Tabula Rasa.

    The hammer appeared in his hand. Ben smacked Shane many times with the hammer. Each time he hit Shane, more the pool of blood the bullies were still making grew.

    Shane’s body was practically flattened. Becky aimed her hands at Shane.

    Becky: Oh Cyrus…keeper of the dead and beyond. Hear my call. Banish him back to where he belongs! Oh Cyrus…Let Him Crossover!

    Shane shriveled up. He was nothing but bones now. Ben took the hammer and smashed the bones.

    Dan and Brad looked around.

    Dan: Where did Rivvir go?

    Brad and Dan looked down. Rivvir was on the floor…only as a baby. Dino-Snore and General Rancor were laying on the ground, un harmed.

    They looked back to see Ben. Ben had fallen to the ground, a grotesque corpse with the hammer in his hands.

    Dan and Brad were mortified.

    Tara and Anya climbed down. They knew the evil had been destroyed…but had no idea what they would see as they walked in the crypt.

    Anya screamed. Ice ran to her. Ice screamed too. Ice and Anya hugged each other.


    Anya [hysterical]: I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! Baby! I’m so sorry!

    Ice hugged her. The two were crying on each other’s shoulders.

    Vader walked to the crypt. He looked down. Tears dripped from his eyes. Bob and Evil Grinch kneeled at the sight.

    The moment was silent, aside from the crying of the Slayer’s friends.

    Becky Materialized outside of the crypt. She was even a little teary-eyed.

    Becky: Look at them. That is why I had to bring you back. That is why I had to take you now.
    Ben: But why now?
    Becky: You killed Shane. Trust me.
    Ben: But I don’t know if I’m ready for this. What’s going to happen to Rivvir?
    Becky: Dan will take care of him. Trust me.

    A Helicopter flew in above the cemetery. It landed on top of Flooder31’s crypt. Para and John Arnold got off of the copter. They had another with them. They gave it a wooden stake.

    Para: Do you think Ben will like this?
    John: Yeah. It’ll give him time off.
    Para: Then I’ll be able to be with him more.
    John: Yes.
    They put a helmet on top of the other person.

    The three of them climbed down. They heard the crying.
    Other Guy: What’s going on?
    Para: I don’t know.

    Becky and Ben Materialized to an invisible state. They could only be seen by each other.

    Para stepped towards the crypt. She saw the group all-hysterical. Vader and Seth were crying and she knew that this wouldn’t be good.

    Para: Vader?

    Vader turned around. He noticed it was Para. He grabbed her and hugged her midst crying.

    Para: What happened?
    Vader: It’s Ben…
    Para: But he has the helmet on…

    At that moment, the third, or other guy, took the helmet off. It was a replica of Ben. He walked into the crypt. He saw the corpse.

    Ben: What happened here?


    The group looked at Ben. They knew that he had died…and his body was still there.

    Ice: Who the hell are you?
    Ben: I’m Ben Summers…The Flooder Slayer!
    Ice: He just died…so nice try.
    Ben: Is that who that is?
    Para: You guys, I made this for Ben…where is he?

    She made her way through the crowd. She saw the body.

    Para: There’s no way…

    Tears started to swell in her eyes.

    She huddled in with Ice and Anya. The three of them just were balling.

    Brad: What do we do?
    Dan: Go back to the Magic Box…read that book that Becky told us about.

    Brad and Dan walk in the door, followed by the group. Anya, Para, John, Seth, and Tara all sit at the main table. They’re still sobbing. Tara was carrying the infant that was Rivvir. Ice followed the Watcher’s to the back office.

    The door to the office was closed.

    The Ben-bot walked into the Magic Box with Vader.

    Ben-bot: Why is everyone so sad?
    Vader: Well, the person you were designed after, he died…For us.
    Ben-bot: Oh. Well, I am trying to feel sad. Should I jump off a bridge?
    Vader: No…feel sad, not suicidal.


    Brad: I didn’t lock it.
    Dan: I didn’t close it.
    Ice: What are we going to do with his body?
    Dan: We’ll work that out later.

    Brad unlocked the office door. He pushed the door and walked in. His chair was facing the other way. Two guys dressed in all black were sitting at the desk, as if waiting.

    The chair spun around. It was Malcolm, the head of the Watcher’s Council.

    Malcolm: Brad Giles and Dan Finkelstein…it’s been a while. How are you two?
    Brad & Dan: Fine…
    Malcolm: Well you know why we are here…this is really rather routine you remember how it works.
    Brad: Yeah…one slayer dies and the next is called.
    Malcolm: Correct. Now Dan, you’re training the Assassins, or future watchers, correct?
    Dan: Yes, sir.
    Malcolm: Well, you shall come back with us then. As for you Brad, you will come back and wait.
    Brad: Yes, sir.

    Normally, he wouldn’t do this, but Ice needed someone that he could trust, so he interrupted saying,

    Ice: You can’t do that.
    Malcolm: Excuse me? Who are you?
    Ice: My name is Icebreaker. I am a friend of Ben’s.
    Malcolm: You knew his identity?
    Ice: Yes…and I have helped him patrol and slay flooders and kill demons.
    Malcolm: That’s against the code. Who authorized this?

    Brad solemnly raised his hand.

    Malcolm: And you thought you were going to stay here?
    Brad: But sir…
    Malcolm: No buts. Get your things.

    Brad had a flashback to a night when Ben and him were out patrolling. He remembered getting attacked and then Ben told him,

    Ben [Voice over]: You have to stand up for yourself. Even if you are a book geek. No one can MAKE you do anything. You do it for yourself.

    Brad came back to the moment.

    Brad: No.
    Malcolm: I’m sorry?
    Brad: No, I’m sorry, but my place is here, with my slayer.
    Malcolm: Your slayer is dead.
    Brad: He is very much alive. He is here.
    Malcolm: In this very building?
    Brad: Yes. In this very building.
    Malcolm: Well, show him to me.

    Malcolm and his two assistants walked out to the floor, led by Brad and Dan. Ice trailed behind.

    Ben-bot: Hello, watcher.
    Brad: [nervous] Hello.
    Ben-bot: Should I go and patrol?
    Brad: Ben, do you recognize these people?
    Ben-bot: No. But I feel that they are of importance to me, much like my maker.

    Malcolm looked at Brad.

    Malcolm: His maker?
    Brad: You mean God, right?
    Ben: God made me? Well yes. Thank you god.
    Malcolm: I guess we misunderstood. We thought he died. Sorry for the mix up. Well, I’ll have to find the other Slayer. Tell him or her that she is not needed now. Brad, good work. Dan, we’ll see you soon.
    Brad and Dan: Thank you sir.

    Malcolm and his assistants left.


    Ice and Anya walked to the back room.

    Anya: Honey, listen. I know you lost a best friend tonight, I did too.
    Ice: What’s going through your head, baby?
    Anya: The thought that that could have been you or me. I want to get married…tomorrow.
    Ice: Tomorrow? Isn’t that rushing it?
    Anya: Not really.
    Ice: Whatever you want honey.
    Anya: Thank you.

    They kissed.

    They walked back out. Dan grabbed Rivvir and picked him up.

    Dan: Well, I shall return…I hope. Maybe when Rivvir is ready to take over. Brad, be careful. Ice and Anya, good luck. Tara, it was nice meeting you. Para, be good.

    Seth: What about me.
    Dan: Don’t piss the bot off.

    Dan walked out of the shop with Rivvir.

    Brad: Well, gang, we’re on our own.
    Ice: And I have an announcement.

    The room got quiet.

    Ice: Anya and I are getting married…tomorrow.

    The gang started to talk.

    Ice: I hope that’s fine.
    Para: It will be fine. We’ll just get dressed and have a small wedding.
    Anya: Yeah. I know it wasn’t what I wanted…but it will do. We need happiness.
    Para: I’ll stay at Ben’s house, with the Ben-bot. What time do you want us at the church?
    Ice: 5:00. Be there.

    The group all regained themselves and headed off their own ways. Para, John and Ben-bot, went back to Ben’s house.

    John: I’ll sleep down here. You go ahead.
    Ben: Yeah…I’ll sleep here too.
    Para: Okay. See you guys in the morning.

    Para slowly ascended the stairs. She reached the bedroom and crawled in on Ben’s side. She slowly inhaled the pillow, taking in the scent of her fallen loved one. She started to cry on the pillow.

    Ben was standing in the room. He was invisible to her. He so badly wanted to tell her that he was fine and that he would be okay.

    Becky: Come on…we have to get you caught up.

    THE NEXT DAY – 5:00 – CHURCH

    Pastor: Do you Ice, take Anya to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to cherish and to comfort, in sickness and in health, forever?
    Ice: I do.
    Pastor: Till death do you part?
    Ice: I do.
    Pastor: Do you Anya, take Ice to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold to cherish and to comfort, in sickness and in health, forever?
    Anya: I do.
    Pastor: Till death do you part?
    Anya: I do.
    Pastor: If no one objects, than by the power invested in me by God, I pronounce you husband and wife.

    The Ben-bot stood up.

    Ben-bot: I object!

    The Pastor, Ice, and Anya all turned their heads and looked at him.

    Ben: Sorry…just wanted to say that.

    Para pulled him down to the seat. She mouthed the word “sorry.”

    Pastor: I now pronounce you husband and wife…if it’s okay with Mr. Summers, I would like to say, and you may now kiss the bride.

    It’s as if time stood still for Anya and Ice. Ice had his hands firmly planted on Anya’s waist. He put his forehead to hers.

    Ice: That damn robot of him is too much like him.
    Anya: That is a good thing, I think.

    They both smiled.

    After the smile, the two had kissed, and the whole world spun around them.
    The audience, which was Para, Ben-bot, John, Tara, Brad, and Seth all stood up and clapped the newly weds.

    Pastor: Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time, Mr. And Mrs. Icebreaker.

    Ice and Anya ran down the aisle to the doors. The doors magically opened by Tara. They drove out of the Church and headed to the Hall via limo.

    Ben and Becky were sitting in the top balcony. They started to ascend to heaven.

    Ben: I think I’m going to like it up here.
    Becky: You think?
    Ben: No…I know I will.

    … … … … THE END … … … …

    Next Season, on Ben The Flooder Slayer…


    The gang is walking away as if from battle.

    Brad: We need to make sure that he doesn’t screw up in front of the wrong person, or thing really.
    Tara: I will fix it.
    Ice: Just like the knock-knock jokes?
    Ben: Ooh! Who’s there?
    Ice: You know, if you want him to be exactly…
    Seth: He’ll never be exactly…
    Ice: I know…
    Tara: The only really real Ben is Ben…
    Brad: And he’s gone…
    Ben: If you want him to be exactly, he’ll never be exactly, I know, the only really real Ben is Ben and he’s gone, who?

    The group sighs.

    **A Resurrection**

    Ben and Seth are fighting
    Seth: See, you were brought back wrong….

    **A Love Once Forgotten**

    Para: I thought I’d lost you…
    Ben: I was happy.
    Para: I’m happy now.

    Ben looked off.

    ** A Time-Warp? **

    The group appears on a pirate ship...being attacked by another ship...of flooders.

    All that and more, next Season on Ben The Flooder Slayer

    1/30/02 10:13:58 PM

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